Traditional, Independent, Baptist, Make Freedom Baptist Your Home.
Freedom Baptist Church of Middle Georgia
Thursday, March 13, 2025
the Son therefore shall make you free.. Jn 8:36

Wife - Mrs. Patsy

My wife, Patsy, accepted Christ the week before her 10th birthday. She has been a faithful help meet these last 47+ years. She works hard and is my personal Secretary and enjoys being at the computer: typing Bible studies, newsletters, brochures, keeping up the church website, preparing bulletin boards and planning special events, teaching the ladies, decorating for ladies meetings, banquets, showers, parties, etc. 
 She loves Christian biographies, Christian ladies books, learning new crafts, spending time in the Smokey mountains with me and anything she can do with our daughter, son-in-law and grandson.
She has learned and developed much through the years and has risen to the occasion when needed, teaching nursery, ages birth through age three, Sunday School for children through 6th grade and ladies classes of all ages. She has been a co-teacher with me in junior and senior high, college & career, young married, married couples and adult classes. She has taught beginner and junior church, has been a deacon's wife, choir member,  AWANA Secretary, Director and Leader from Kindergarten - through 6th grades, directed and/or worked in Vacation Bible School here and abroad and worked alongside me whenever I asked and whatever I needed.
Patsy was a member of Temple Wives Association (TWA) where she worked as a hostess for the 200 plus ladies attending their monthly meetings during my years at TTU. She enjoys preparing theme ideas and gathering and testing craft ideas for ladies meetings such as: counted cross stitch, crochet, macrame', painting, sewing,  cake decorating, quilting, scrapbooking, stamping and tatting. She looks forward to painting Smokey Mountain landscapes from postcards and pictures she's collected through the years - Hey, a great idea for a ladies AFLAME Craft meeting!
Patsy retired from civil service after working 30 years in Civilian Personnel, beginning in California at the Concord Naval Weapons Station; in Germany for the U.S. Army at Kreuzberg Kaserne in Civilian Personnel, at Hill AFB, Utah, in Chattanooga, Tennessee for Internal Revenue Service as a Secretary during my years at Tennessee Temple University, at Offutt Air Force Base, Nebraska in Civilian Personnel and finally at Robins Air Force Base, with the Special Examining Unit in Macon and then retiring as a Civilian Personnel Specialist with the Delegated Examining Unit. 
Please Pray for Our Troops and Missionaries Around the World.


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